GUISEN GROUP offers you the sale of agglos bricks for your building sites everywhere in Guinea with the best value for money.

Take advantage of our agglos bricks made with standard technical specifications for your construction projects everywhere in Guinea.

The agglos bricks have for asset :

- They are solid and resistant

-They regulate humidity

-They're easy to put down.

Buy your agglos bricks and benefit from our expertise.

We offer premium quality agglos bricks, our agglos bricks are made with very good concrete controlled in laboratory.

To be able to order your agglos bricks, please select the desired quantity, specify the city of destination and validate your order. Our sales department remains at your disposal for any further information.

Solid agglomerations 20x20x40

924.00 FCFA

A solid agglos brick with dimensions of: Width: 20 Length: 40 Height: 20 Price excluding transport costs which depend on the delivery address.

Solid agglomerations 15x20x40

756.00 FCFA

A solid agglos brick with dimensions of: Width: 15 Length: 40 Height: 20 Price excluding transport costs which depend on the delivery address.

Hollow agglomerations 10x20x50

452.00 FCFA

A hollow agglomeration brick with dimensions of: Width: 10 Length: 50 Height: 20 Price excluding transport costs which depend on the delivery address.

Hollow agglomerations 20x20x40

494.00 FCFA

A hollow agglomeration brick with dimensions of: Width: 20 Length: 40 Height: 20 Price excluding transport costs which depend on the delivery address.

Hollow agglomerations 20x20x50

609.00 FCFA

A hollow agglomeration brick with dimensions of: Width: 20 Length: 50 Height: 20 Price excluding transport costs which depend on the delivery address.

Hollow agglomerations 15x20x50

494.00 FCFA

A hollow agglomeration brick with dimensions of: Width: 15 Length: 50 Height: 20 Price excluding transport costs which depend on the delivery address.

Hollow agglomerations 15x20x40

468.00 FCFA

A solid agglos brick with dimensions of: Width: 15 Length: 40 Height: 20 Price excluding transport costs which depend on the delivery address.

Hollow agglomerations 10x10x40

389.00 FCFA

A hollow agglomeration with dimensions of: Width: 10 Length: 40 Height: 10 Tariff excluding transport costs which depend on the delivery address.

Solid bricks 20x20x50

1 200.00 FCFA

A brick Agglos Full with dimensions of: Width: 20 Length: 50 Height: 20 Price excluding transport costs which depend on the delivery address.

Bricks Hollow 20x20x50

580.00 FCFA

An Agglos brick With dimensions of : Width: 20 Length: 50 cm Height: 20 Tariff excluding shipping costs which depend on the delivery address.

Hollow bricks 15x20x50

470.00 FCFA

Agglos bricks Dimension: Width 15 Length 50 Height 20 Tariff excluding shipping costs which depends on the delivery address.

Hollow bricks 10x20x50

400.00 FCFA

One Hollow Agglos Brick Dimensions : Width: 10 Length: 50 cm Height: 20 Tariff excluding shipping costs which depend on the delivery address.

Need an advisor?

The customer service is available from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm